
发布日期:2023-03-27    浏览次数:



我校36名留学生助力此次马拉松比赛。他们是商务部中国政府奖学金获得者,来自亚、非、南美洲14个国家的环保部、能源部的官员和专家。热情的留学生志愿者们始终以真挚的笑脸、热情的服务,为苏州马拉松赛事做好保障工作,展现了最美青年志愿者风采, 助力赛事顺利举办。

来自加纳的欧贝德同学感慨道:This was my first time as a Marathon volunteer.For me, it was an amazing and interesting experience. From the beginning to the end,I enjoyed a lot. I would like to appreciate Suzhou University of Science and Technology for giving me the opportunity to be part of the volunteering team for the Suzhou Marathon and the organizers of the activity. I Love Suzhou! Suzhou is a vibrant city!